Relationship Course

Relationship Course for Individuals and Couples

The domain of transformation at the level of the individual involves several dynamics: “waking up” by turning on the Observer Self, shifting from a victim or at effect stance in your reality to an at cause or responsible stance, learning about the nature of your own ego and mind, and practicing Being in the moment and Showing up in a chosen way.

The domain of relationship also has its transformational dynamics, but many of us get lost in the complexity of relationships and end up at best hoping to find “the one” or discouraged and resigned about the whole arena and basically giving up on ever having what we only imagine is possible.

Diane and I have spent many years in many unsuccessful relationships in which we learned a great deal with some great partners but were unable to make the relationships work to ours or our partner’s satisfaction.  Finally after coming together four years ago and going through a very intense process which we documented in our book, “Falling in Love Backwards: an unlikely tale of Happily Ever After”, we have come to a place where we feel we have something to share of real value for people who are looking for a relationship or want to make their relationship better than it has ever been before.

If you are looking for a deep connection and expanding intimacy with another combined with a sense of greater personal freedom to be your self, come to our workshop in November.   We can promise that you will leave more prepared than ever before to take on a lasting, committed relationship.  You will understand the set of agreements and models that will transform a relationship from one of ‘trying to get my needs met’, to one of ‘expanding personal growth and mastery along with the reward of deeper connection, passion, and intimacy’.

The seminar will be held in Mill Valley, California on the evening of November 15th and continue all day Saturday and end Sunday November 17th at 6pm.  In our website: click on seminar.  Or call Diane or Landon with questions: 530-265-4050 H.  Landon cell: 415-250-3585


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