Article in Nelson Mail, New Zealand features “Falling in Love Backwards”

Hello everyone,

Wow, what a welcome New Zealand gave us, on my third trip there. A Golden Bay writer did an article about us and about our book, Falling in Love Backwards, for the newspaper in Nelson. Our photo made it onto the front page, with a full article on page 2. We’re so excited—this is our first official article about the book.

Check it out! Click here to read the article.

If you haven’t checked out our book yet, use the link below to purchase or download a copy from Amazon. If you have read it, could you do us a favor and write a short review? That really helps us. And if you just go to Amazon and ‘like’ the book and click ‘yes’ on the positive reviews, that helps too.

Some of you helped me to become the #1 ‘Must read’ on Reader’s Digest years ago with my ‘Finding Gilbert’ story—remember how I passed ‘how to fix a leaky toilet’? That was comical.

Click here to view the different ways that you can purchase or download our book on Amazon.

We’re just back in California and missing Golden Bay, but happy to be home at the farm again in all of its spring glory.

All the best,

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